Problems + Solutions = Value

How Do I Become Valuable?

It seems like everyone else has it figured out, but I don’t.

This is how I used to feel. All the time.

I didn’t know what people meant when they said, “share value,” or “offer value,” or that I needed to “post valuable content.” I didn’t understand what value actually was. I saw that word everywhere, but it was almost meaningless to me.

Then, I realized something: value is simply anything that improves the consumer’s life.

What Does "Improving Someone's Life" Mean?

Value can take many forms, such as:

  • Providing an answer to a question

  • Solving a problem they have

  • Showing them how to solve a problem they have

  • Offering a new and helpful perspective

  • Providing clarity

  • Giving motivation

  • Offering entertainment

How Do You Create Value When You Feel Like You Have Nothing to Offer?

The process is simpler than you think and can be broken down into three steps:

  1. Identify a problem

  2. Map out your solution

  3. Share your process

Don’t overthink this. You don’t need to come up with a cure for cancer. Start from where you are and share solutions to the problems your past self once had.

Let’s dive into the steps a little deeper.

Step 1: Identify a Problem

Look at your own life:

  • What is something you personally struggled with in the past (big or small) that you eventually found a way to overcome?

  • What is something you are currently struggling with that you are actively working to fix?

Documenting what is and isn’t working in the present moment is also valuable to others.

Here are some examples of simple problems you might have solved:

  • Do you make your bed now when you used to not?

  • Do you floss your teeth now when you used to only brush?

  • Did you gain/lose five pounds from exercising?

  • Did you gain 100 followers on a platform?

  • Do you get better grades than you used to?

  • Do you eat healthier than you used to?

Anything. Just pick something and start there.

Step 2: Map Out Your Solution

Once you’ve identified a problem, explain how you fixed it in a way that’s easy to understand.

  • Show people how they can also fix that problem in their own life.

  • Share tips, examples, insights, and most importantly, actionable steps they can take.

Step 3: Share Your Process

Now, package it all into a valuable piece of content:

  • Present the problem: Clearly state what the problem is.

  • Amplify the problem: Talk about related issues and the consequences of not solving it.

  • Provide actionable steps: Give clear, easy-to-follow instructions on how to solve the problem.

If you’re struggling to create valuable content, just think problem > solution. Keep it simple.

Don’t overthink it. Find any problem, big or small, then write out the steps to solve it.

And most importantly, share it.